This once great nation of ours is in fact in a state of ruin Thanks to selfish people who can see no further than the end of their noses...
Noses that are getting longer by the day... Mr Keir Stamer I mean You.
Self interest overcomes the interests of others. In the case of politics this is always so.
So what side are they on? Their own of course.
Now the Farmers are Revolting, and no not that kind of revolting I mean revolutionary in their views. Taxes are being levied upon their estates. Inheritance tax, designed to be "fair". Well my friend all they are doing is stopping farmers handing down their businesses to the next generation.
If this was about taxing the wealth of Farmers it's failed. Wealthy farmers will merely place residual capital into oh I don't know a trust fund for example.
So all this achieves is the stagnation of the farming industry and ultimately hits our ability to produce our own food.
Stupid really 😒
But please don't think me one sided or anti labour. Although it is true that I dislike the ideology of labour, my real distain is reserved for all politicians. It matters not to me with whom you side they all look out for number 1. So what's the answer? I don't know but surely something better than this can exist.
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